Useful for...

Although we limit our products to the preventive and healing effects of Moringa on the human body, we would like to mention briefly, what else Moringa can do:

Clean water:


The possibility of producing bacteria-free water for the third world is sensational. Put 0.2 grams of Moringa seeds in contaminated water and it will make a liter of water bacteria-free. Ranga Yogeshwar has already impressively demonstrated this in the SWR program "The Great Show of Natural Wonders" from November 1, 2007.

In many developing countries, Moringa is also used with great success in the fight against malnutrition.



Moringa is also used successfully in veterinary medicine. Phyto-provitamins help e.g. in viral diseases in dogs.


Moringa not only ensures a shiny coat, but also helps against worms and mites, against osteoporosis and hip dysplasia. The phyto-provitamins maintain vision and strengthen your pet's teeth.


This applies to horses, cats, dogs and all other small animals. The moringa substances are also used for aquariums.



Moringa is also ideal as feed for livestock.


Because livestock that receive Moringa as additional feed, increase in weight significantly (up to 32%) and cows give e.g. up to 43% more milk.



If plants are sprayed with a moringa solution, the yield increases up to 35%.

Fruits and plants are stronger and more resistant to diseases and pests.


This also applies to garden and house plants.

Biogas / alternative energy:


Very interesting, is that Moringa also can be used as a biomass for alternative energies.


Moringa can serve as a fuel, as oil lubrication for machines or even as fuel for oil lamps.